Monday, March 28, 2011

Brother Joseph

Brother Joseph was clothed in the novice habit during Sunday Chapter. Born and raised in Argentina, Joseph is a biochemist who researched cancer treatment protocols before joining us last year. We rejoice to have him in our midst.

Brother Joseph with Father Luke, our Novicemaster.

O God, in that unutterable kindness by which you dispose all things sweetly and wisely, you gave us clothing, so that a triple benefit might be ours: we are covered with dignity, kept warm and protected in body and soul. Father, pour forth the blessing of your Holy Spirit upon us this morning and upon these clothes which your son here before us has asked to receive, so that he may serve you faithfully in the Cistercian way of life.

Father Luke poses in the garth with our novices- Brothers Joseph, Stephen, John, Timothy and Father Paulinus-
and Brother Simeon, the Submaster of Novices.